I recommend you to subscribe by email and have new uft articles sent directly to your inbox. Mar 26, 2014 the instructions on how qtp should proceed after the recovery operations have been performed, and from which point in the test qtp should continue, if at all. To create a new scenario, just click on new scenario icon and new scenario wizard will be started. In order to overcome these errors and recover the test and continue executing the rest of the script from these unexpected errors, we use recovery scenarios in qtp. Qtp school learn qtp with fun recovery scenarios in qtp. All exception handlers must be added to test script to use them. Qtp recovery scenarios while executing the qtp scripts, we might get some unexpected errors.
And in the same way you implement for automation in qtp recovery scenario with popup window. Recovery scenario manager dialog box in qtp in testing. These recovery scenarios will handle all these problems automatically by qtp during runtime. In order to recover the tests and continue executing the rest of the script from these unexpected errors, recovery scenarios are used. How to handle the exceptions using recovery secnario manager in quicktest professional qtp. Recovery scenarios are useful when it is difficult to predict at which step the errors. Sep 09, 2008 this qtp video shows and explains how to create and work with qtp recovery scenarios. Nov 14, 2010 the instructions on how qtp should proceed after the recovery operations have been performed, and from which point in the test qtp should continue, if at all. We can use different recovery scenarios for different popup windows, but here. Once you configure above in the recovery scenario manager, recovery scenarios are saved in the form of. Download several worldclass ebooks on software testing and quality. It will operate one of the following below given conditions. Qtp tutorial 16 qtp recovery scenario lessons99 guru99. For example, a specific button in a dialog box may be disabled when the specific process is open.
To instruct quick test to perform a recovery scenario during a run session you must first associate the recovery scenario with that test. The following are the four recovery trigger events. For example, you may want to restart a test from the beginning, or skip a step entirely and continue with the next step in the test. Uft also enables us to define a specific behavior to handle a wide array of situations in advance.
Using recovery scenarios you can instruct hp uft to recover from unexpected events and errors that occur in your testing environment during a run session recovery scenario becomes crucial for large tests, which run unattended and are paused until recovery operation, is. Qtp uft recovery scenario link to mandatory qtp uft interview questions to read before interview. I see solution as setting timeout for test execution e. Dec 16, 2008 exception event handlers in qtp are declared as recovery scenarios through wizard dialogs and editable with recovery scenario manager. Error handling and recovery scenarios in qtp part1 introduction just think what type of errorsblockers we get when testing an appli. Default recovery scenarios in qtp tutorial 11 february 2020. I recommend you to subscribe by email and have new uft articles sent directly to. I did my course in desktop and web automation through uft and selenium tools at whizdom trainings which is an online tool training platform for manual and automation testing.
In this document i am discussing about how to add, remove recovery scenario files. Recover scenarios in qtp technical automation solutions. But if we run it for the second time, it gets invoked. The instructions on how qtp should proceed after the recovery operations have been performed, and from which point in the test qtp should continue, if at all. A complete guide to recovery scenarios and the type of recovery scenarios. To handle these situations, qtp allows us to define the recovery scenarios and associates them with the test. We get a popup window like the one you see below while opening some of the websites like in the example below we will make use of that popup dialog. Using virtual objects and recovery scenarios in qtp tests. In resources menu you will find recovery scenario manager option.
The recovery scenario manager allows us to define the recovery scenario, that includes an unexpected event and the operations to recover during a run. If you want to call another function from recovery function. A recovery scenario file is a logical collection of recovery scenarios, grouped according to our specific requirements. Their training module is well equipped with live projects and in accordance with industry requirements. The recovery scenario manager can be accessed by navigating to resources recovery scenario manager. To handle unexpected errors, popup etc, qtp uft uses this feature also when existing code is not designed to handle this issue 1. Post recovery, as the name suggests, is to instruct qtp on how to proceed after the recovery operations have been performed, and from which point in the test qtp should continue. Then qtp gives us the option to point to the popup window. You can either use this new file or click the open button to choose an existing recovery file. Step 4 in the next screen, select microsoft office access database. How to handle the exceptions using recovery scenario manager in qtp. Jul, 2011 qtp videos recovery scenarios hp uft training qtp certification training qtp traininguft training duration. How to use recovery scenario in qtpuft with example.
Create recovery scenario go to resources recovery scenario manager. Recovery scenarios are supposed to take care of this exact situation, but try as i might, qtp will never recognize the popup. Getscenarioposition returns the status of a recovery scenario true enabled or false disabled, according to the specified position in the list of recovery scenarios associated with the test. Repeat current step and continue proceed to next step proceed to next iteration restart current test run stop the current run pgorantla. Recovery scenario in qtp not invoked from script software. As part of the steps you can define what are the triggering criterias for this recovery scenario examples. Recovery scenarios activate specific recovery operations when trigger events occur. Recovery scenarios use additional machine resources and can slow down your tests, so only use them in a limited fashion for catching truly exceptional scenarios. Exception event handlers in qtp are declared as recovery scenarios through wizard dialogs and editable with recovery scenario manager. Define the trigger event it can be one of the 4 types window pop up, object state, test run error, application crash. Uft qtp can detect the object property state of the button. You can create recovery scenarios using the qtp tool feature called recovery scenario manager. This is the general definition which we are seeing for a long time. During a test execution sometimes, unexpected or unpredictable events may occur which may cause failure of test execution.
Managing recovery scenarios qtp, vbscript automation beyond. You create recovery scenarios with a wizard in the uft ide. To recover the test and continue running from these unexpected errors you use recovery scenarios. We can look up for all them using the recovery scenario manager. The recovery scenario manager can be accessed by navigating to resources recovery scenario manager as shown below. How to handle the exceptions using recovery scenario. Recovery scenarios an overview designing and implementing. Please find below the steps that have to be followed to create the recovery scenario in qtp. A test can have any number of recovery scenarios associated with it. Default recovery scenarios in qtp tutorial 11 may 2020.
Recovery scenario manger can handle following four events. Is there any way to avoid this problem need automation solution. Micro focus uft manages exception handling using recovery scenarios. Below is just one of the many ways of creating a recovery scenario. Working with recovery scenarios using scripting check whether qtp script is opened in read only mode.
Mar 11, 2011 recovery scenarios are saved in recovery scenario files. During runtime, exception handlers can be enabled or disabled. Oct 06, 2010 quicktest professional recovery scenarios are summarized in the below mentioned points with three easy to understand examples. Open a test, in the resources pane, right click on associated recovery scenarios, right click and choose associate recovery scenario. Their training played a huge part in my successful career as an automation test lead. Alternatively you can click the arrow next to the open button to select a recently used recovery file from the list. I want to know more about recovery scenarios available in qtp. The recovery scenario is set to trigger upon seeing a dialog with window title. Ive written the following code for attaching my recovery scenario with scrpit during run time. I want to set for such scenarios in my cur project.
Load recovery scenarios at runtime loading recovery we can do in two ways 1static loading 2dynamic or run time loading static loading. Using recovery scenarios you can instruct hp uft to recover from unexpected events and errors that occur in your testing environment. How to setup recovery scenarios in qtpuft technology. Our team spent a good amount of time putting together all sorts of disaster recovery test scenarios. Recovery scenarios are saved in recovery scenario files. In my experience with qtp, its best to handle known exception scenarios directly in your functions, and leave the exception handling mechanism for unknown or unexpected exceptions. Recovery scenarios in uft by admin published august 11, 2016 updated august 24, 2017 recovery scenarios are used to handle the unexpected events during test run. What is the use of text output value in quicktest professional qtp. This contains various recovery scenarios for the following popup dialogs. If you update function in recovery always reopen script.
Recovery scenarios are used to handle the unexpected events that might occur while test execution is going on by qtp. So, now to the ultimate list of disaster recovery scenarios. Using recovery scenarios you can instruct hp uft to recover from unexpected events and errors that occur in your testing environment during a run session recovery scenario becomes crucial for large tests, which run unattended and are paused until recovery operation, is performed increasing the test execution time. Quicktest professional recovery scenarios are summarized in the below mentioned points with three easy to understand examples. If you want to keep track of further articles on uft qtp. By default, the recovery scenario manager dialog box opens with a new recovery file. To me, logically, i dont see much difference, and i would prefer to create one recovery scenario that handles both kinds of errors, but qtp makes you define two scenarios. To instruct quicktest to perform a recovery scenario during a run session, you must first associate the recovery scenario with that test. Ultimate list of disaster recovery testing scenarios orion. First of all you have to open the recovery scenario manager.
In order to recover the test and continue executing the rest of the script from these unexpected errors, recovery scenarios are used. For example, during an execution of qtp test, it can be interrupted by different windows, popups, message boxes, etc. To understand this topic you need to have knowledge on creating and using recovery scenarios. Even if we enable the recovery scenarios to be run on on every step, it will not be activated on the first three steps, but it will be activated on the 4th step, because qtp only activates recovery scenarios on code statements which contain qtp test objects. Creating and using a recovery scenario advanced uft 12 for test. Qtp recovery scenario october 14, 2011 quick test professional comments. Recovery scenarios are saved in recovery scenario files having the extension. Recovery scenario manager is a mechanism that helps to deal the unexpected events, errors, and application crashes during a run session the recovery scenario manager dialog box enables to create recovery scenarios and save them in recovery files. While executing the qtp scripts, we might get some unexpected errors. Oct 14, 2011 to create a recovery scenario, we need to configure the below steps. Recovery scenarios while executing the qtp scripts, we might get some unexpected errors. All about recovery scenarios using qtp software testing genius. Qtp videos recovery scenarios hp uft training qtp certification training qtp traininguft training duration.
A recovery scenario can handle a printer error by clicking the default button in. Getscenariostatus enables or disables the specified recovery scenario, according to its position in the list of recovery scenarios. Qrs to a test and after adding how to activate, deactivate and renumbering the order to execute recovery scenarios. It is often referred as the object state recovery scenario in uft qtp.
Recovery scenario will be used in recovering from known errors at unknown intervals. For example i have a recovery scenario file with the name of sample. Recovery scenarios while running a test in qtp there are certain unexpected events, errors, and application crashes which can distort your. I used the object spy so i know that this is the correct identification. When you want to recover from any problem, first, face the problem manually, find the solution manually, recover from that problem manually. How to use recovery scenario in qtpuft with example guru99.
Situations in which a recovery scenario wont work in qtp. In order to recover the tests and continue executing the rest. The problem is that they can appear at any time and you cannot predict this event. Recovery scenarios in uft video, it explains error handling using recovery scenarios. Recovery scenario wizard trigger events recovery operations post recovery operation naming properties of recovery scenarios setting scenarios for the tests using recovery. How to handle the exceptions using recovery scenario manager in. Recovery scenarios recovery scenario manager provides a wizard that guides you through the defining recovery scenario. Micro focus unified functional testing uft, formerly known as quicktest professional qtp. In order to recover the test and continue executing the rest of the. To create a recovery scenario, we need to configure the below steps. These recovery scenarios we associate to qtp test, so that during a test execution if any unpredictable error occurs, qtp will take care of. Static loading we can do directly from qtp recovery scenario window dynamic or run time loadingfunction loadrecoveryscenarios. Qtp comes with some default scenarios that can be found in program fileslmercury interactivev quicktest professional ecoverywebrecovery. The last 10% of any software project will take 90% of the budgeted time.
To recover the tests and continue running the scripts at runtime, we need the recovery scenarios. All about qtp recovery scenarios quick test professional. Quicktest professional recovery scenarios are summarized in the below mentioned points with 3 easy to understand examples. Such problems are quite frequent especially when the tests are made to run unattended. While executing your scripts you may get some unexpectedunpredictable errors. A recovery scenario must be first associated with the test to be invoked during thr run session. Programmatically exception handlers are accessible through recovery object. Jan 08, 2014 recovery scenarios the user then gets the option to decide what qtp will perform once the recovery operation is implied. All about qtp recovery scenarios quick test professional qtp.
Managing recovery scenarios qtp, vbscript automation. Runtime error, a specific dialog appeared, at each step etc. After we have created recovery scenarios, we associate them with selected tests or components so that uft qtp will perform the appropriate scenario s during the run sessions if a trigger event occurs. Some could be just as easy as a verbal communication between a team, asking how they would handle a specific scenario. Error handling and recovery scenarios in qtp part1. Then uft qtp activates the recovery scenario and handles this exception and uft qtp can continue its execution. If the recovery scneario is triggered there are actions what you can take in order to remedy the situation. So we want to select the popup window event at our trigger.
Why is qtps recovery scenario not triggering when i have. You may want to restart a test from the beginning, or skip current step and continue with the next step in the test. A recovery scenario file is a logical collection of recovery scenarios, grouped according to your own specific requirements. But the question that arises is when should we use recovery scenario manager and when not. Recovery scenario manager is used to handle unexpected eventserrors during the execution of qtp script. For this example, we will be putting in yesterdays date and this will cause a popup window stating that this is an incorrect date. How to download and install uft or qtp latest version.
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